Application configuration with Clever Tools

Inspect the current configuration

clever config will list you all available configuration for your application.

$ clever config
Name: phpinfo
Description: phpinfo
Zero-downtime deployment: enabled
Sticky sessions: disabled
Cancel current deployment on push: disabled
Force redirection of HTTP to HTTPS: disabled

You can also get a single configuration using clever config get {name}

$ clever config get cancel-on-push
Cancel current deployment on push: disabled

Update your configuration

You can update a single configuration using clever config set {name} {value}

$ clever config set sticky-sessions true
Sticky sessions: enabled

You can also update all of the configuration at once using clever config update [options]

$ clever config update --description="Displays phpinfo()" --disable-sticky-sessions --enable-force-https
Description: Displays phpinfo()
Sticky sessions: disabled
Force redirection of HTTP to HTTPS: enabled
