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Add-on Log Collector

This article targets the add-on providers who want to integrate logs from their add-ons to Clever Cloud’s logging system. Doing this allows the users to get their add-on’s logs in Clever Cloud’s dashboard.

Send a line of log

Log lines must be sent via https. See the following example with the curl command:

$ curl -X POST "https://logs.cleverapps.io/logs" \
  --user "token:logtoken_foobar" \
  -d "72 <190>1 2013-03-27T20:02:24+00:00 hostname logtoken_foobar procid - - foo72 <190>1 2013-03-27T20:02:24+00:00 hostname logtoken_foobar procid - - bar" \
  -H "Content-Length: 150" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/logplex-1"

Let’s explain this request:

  • -X POST - This request is obvioulsy a POST one, since you need to send new data.

  • --user token:logtoken_foobar - This is the basic authentication content. The user must be the string ’token’, and the password must be your log token, as sent on a provisioning call.

  • Content-Length: 150 - Length of the body. Must be set.

  • Content-Type: application/logplex-1 - This is the expected content type.

  • 72 <190>1 2013-03-27T20:02:24+00:00 hostname logtoken_foobar procid - - foo - This a a log line. It is expected to respect the RFC 5424 notation. You can send multiple log lines in one request. Here is the log line decrypted:

length <prival>version time hostname logtoken procid msgid structured-data msg

This message format is documented by the RFC 5424.

  • length - 72 in the example. It is the length in bytes of the encoded log line minus the length field and the following space. It is not the number of chars. In our example, this is how it could be done in java:
("<190>1 2013-03-27T20:02:24+00:00 " +
"hostname logtoken_foobar procid - - foo").getBytes().length
  • prival - The priority value of the message. Here 190 means “local7.info”. (More doc)

  • version - The syslog protocol version. Use 1 here. (More doc)

  • time - The time the log line was created. The format must follow the RFC 3339. (More doc)

  • hostname - Make it your add-on id.

  • logtoken - The same token as in the Basic authentication password.

  • procid - Id of the process emitting the log. Not really used by the log collector since it’s more relevant for you to use in your own log system to debug processes.

  • msgid - Not used, should be -.

  • structured-data - Not used, should be -.
